Sustainable Wood

Carbon, water, and sunshine create wood. It’s one of the most sustainable materials found in nature.

Wood is CO2 stored by nature. A mature tree can absorb up to 3 tons of CO2 during its lifetime. Trees are our best current weapon against climate change.

Solid Wood products have one of the lowest carbon footprint

It generates less than 0.19 lb of carbon per 2.20 lb produced. 

  • Bamboo 5.8 times more 
  • Steel 43 times 
  • Plastic 67 times 

Solid Wood is one of the fastest biodegradable materials. 

  • It degrades 120 times quicker than aluminum
  • 130 times quicker than plastic.

When wood degrades, no harmful chemicals like BPA or Phthalates are released.

All wood used by Ziruma comes from reforested plantations in order to preserve the tropical forest. Ziruma Wood is planted in lands previously deforested by agriculture and grassing.